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Did you leave this in the copier?


A common type of human error is the post-completion error, which is forgetting to perform the final task of a procedure (e.g., leaving your original in the copier when done making a copy). Previous research has shown that this type of error is not easy to reduce either through training or reminders in the form of static cues. A study in a railyard (McDonald, Joseph D., and Francis T. Durso, "A Behavioral Intervention for Reducing Post-completion Errors in a Safety-Critical System" Human Factors 57.6 (2015): 917-929) found a 65% reduction in post-completion errors by requiring that the subjects call the dispatcher near the end of the task to request their next task. They theorize that performing this new task (call the dispatcher) helped to remind them to complete the previous task.

Copyright 2016 Beville Operator Performance Specialists, Inc.

For further information, visit the links below.

| Alarm & Display System Analysis Overview | Alarm Management | Display Design | Alarm & Display Design Seminar | Beville Shape Calculator -Excel download | Alarm Distribution Estimator - Excel download |


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The 2024 Spring Meeting of the Center for Operator Performance will take place on April 16-18, 2024, in Pine Bend, MN/Hybrid. For more information on this and future meetings, please contact Lisa Via. Guests are always welcome!

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David Strobhar's book, "Human Factors in Process Plant Operation," is now available in both hardcover and Kindle e-book.

Copyright 1996-2024 Beville Operator Performance Specialists, Inc. All rights reserved. (937)434-1093.